1955 in Paris
Paris: 1955
- September
Exhibition of the First Biennal Exhibition of Canadian Painting (first held at the National Gallery of Canada in May and June; travels until August 1956 to thirteen Canadian cities), at the Mackenzie Gallery, Regina College. Borduas shows Bonaventure, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; Gagnon, 1988, p. 471).
- September 21
Borduas and Janine sail from New York to France on board the Liberty. They arrive at Le Havre on September 26 (Écrits I, p. 42).
- October
Exhibition of the First Biennal Exhibition of Canadian Painting (first held at the National Gallery of Canada in May and June; travels until August 1956 to thirteen Canadian cities), at the Edmonton Museum of Arts (now The Art Gallery of Alberta); Borduas shows Bonaventure, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; Gagnon, 1988, p. 471).
- October
Difficulty in finding appropriate space in Paris. Searches for a more spacious studio. Rents the Niepce Gallery for January (Écrits I, p. 42).
- October 13 - December 18
Participates in the 1955 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting held at the Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts, (Écrits I, p. 42); Borduas shows Pâques, 1954, (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; 1988, p. 472).
- October 25 - November 8
The Borduas Aquarelles récentes exhibition is held at the L'Actuelle Gallery in Montréal (Écrits I, p. 42; Gagnon, 19778, p. 494); Borduas shows twelve watercolours:
- 1. Le Chant du guerrier, 1954
- 2. Blancs dans le noir, 1954
- 3. Gerbes légères, 1954
- 4. Bombardement délicat, 1954
- 5. Confetti, 1954
- 6. La Fin du brasier, 1954
- 7. Skieurs en suspens, 1954
- 8. Buisson, 1954
- 9. Blanches figures, 1954
- 10. Fêtes embrouillées, 1954
- 11. Dentelle métallique, 1954
- 12. Les Baguettes joyeuses, 1954
- November
Exhibition of the First Biennal Exhibition of Canadian Painting (first held at the National Gallery of Canada in May and June; travels until August 1956 to thirteen Canadian cities); Borduas shows Bonaventure, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; Gagnon, 1988, p. 471).
- November
Participates in the exhibition The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Band at the Williams Memorial Art Museum in London (Ont.); Borduas shows La Femme au bijou, 1945, (Gagnon, 1978, p. 494; 1988, p. 470).
- November
Participates in the Artistas canadenses exhibition, held at the Museu de Arte Moderna of Rio de Janeiro (Écrits I, p. 42; Gagnon, 1978, p. 493-494; 1988, p. 472); Borduas shows the same paintings that he did the 3rd Biennale de São Paulo, held in June:
- 1. Réception d'automne, 1953
- 2. Fragments de planète, 1953
- 3. Résistance végétale, 1954
- 4. Pulsation,1954
- 5. Fête nautique,1955
- 6. Bourdonnement d'été, 1955
- 7. Tendresse des gris, 1955
- 8. Forêt métallique, 1955
- 9. Les Voiles rouges, 1955
- 10. Jardin impénétrable, 1955
- 11. Végétation minérale, 1955
- 12. Persistance des noirs, 1955
- November 1 or 11 - November 30
Participates in the Exposition de peinture canadienne exhibition held at the École des Hautes Études Commerciales in Montreal (Écrits I, p. 43). He shows Réunion des trophées, 1948, as well as another unidentified painting (Gagnon, 1978, p. 494; 1988, p. 470).
- November - December
Exhibition of the First Biennal Exhibition of Canadian Painting (first held at the National Gallery of Canada in May and June; travels until August 1956 to thirteen Canadian cities), in Winnipeg at the University of Manitoba. Borduas shows Bonaventure, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; Gagnon, 1988, p. 471).
- November 30 - February 22
The Recent Acquisitions exhibition held at the New York Museum of Modern Art includes Borduas’ La Guignolée, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 495; Écrits I, p.42).
- December
The Exposition de peintures canadiennes exhibition organized by Robert Blair is held in the Hall d'honneur de l'Université de Montréal. Included are two paintings by Borduas (Gagnon, 1978, p. 495).
- December 1955 - January 1956
Exhibition of the First Biennal Exhibition of Canadian Painting (first held at the National Gallery of Canada in May and June; travels until August 1956 to thirteen Canadian cities); Borduas shows Bonaventure, 1954 (Gagnon, 1978, p. 493; Gagnon, 1988, p. 471).
- ???
Vogue magazine profiles three artists, including Borduas (Boily 1972, p. 325).